
This week we have been learning about inferencing. We have also been reading the book Frogs. It about a guy named Tane from the future when the sun’s radiation is so bad that you can pass out from it, that’s why they have to wear rad-monitors (radiation) so that they can monitor how much solar radiation they absorb from the Sun.  Tane goes to a car graveyard to look for something valuable even though the car graveyard is owned by the Mutt’s a group of bandits. He goes into the car graveyard and finds something even better he found some frogs and went back to get them help but by then the Mutts had already found out that he was there and he passed out from the Mutt’s leaving him in the sun for to long then he passed out to the sound of police sirens.  We also made a difference in different parts of the story. If you want to learn more a inferencing read the slides below.

Lest We Forget

This week we have been learning about world war l  article called Lest We Forget and it’s about a guy named Frank that survived the war and was interviewed about his experience in the 1980’s. He was thrown on a pile of dead bodys during the years he served in the war. The war went on for four years and the amount of people that passed away because of the war really changes my perspective of life. We were tasked with a task about if you were interviewing a veteran what would you ask. So I’m going to task you with what would you say if you were interviewing a veteran from world war one?


Click My Video Down Below of my Interview

Structure of The Earth and its Tectonic Plates

This term in we have been learning about the structure of the Earth and its layers. There are five layers of the Earth. The crust which in fact is over one hundred kilometres thick. The upper mantle which out of the five is the thickest of all the layers, which reaches a high temperature of over five hundred degrees celsius! Next we have the mantle which is a insanely hot layer of thick molten lava. After that then we are really starting to heat up in the outer core at thousands of degrees celsius. Finally we have the last layer of the Earth the inner core which reaches the surface of the Sun!!!


Tectonic Plates have three boundaries convergent,divergent and transform. The tectonic plates are like a ginormous jigsaw puzzle that will never ever will be able to be lifted. They sit on the lithosphere a minor layer in between the Crust and Upper Mantle. Our tectonic plates are made up of oxygen,silicon,aluminum,iron,calcium,,sodium,potassium and magnesium. Millions of years ago two hundred and fifty to be precise all the landmass on Earth was all one continent called Pangea. One hundred million year later caused by the tectonic plates broke up into two called Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Then we have the two Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. Finally then we start to see the land masses we see today. 

Trojan Horse

This week my reading group  the Sea Pickles have been working on a slide deck about the Trojan Horse an event that took place in South Europe centuries ago an event in which two empires Greece and the city Troy. Which all started when the prince of Troy stole a Greek queen named Helena. They were at war for ten years before the battle ended. The battle was resolved when one general named Odysseus came up with the idea to  make a hollow wood horse to invade Troy and so they did and won the war.


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